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Medical Cannabis Facts


Cannabis has been used as medicine since at least 4000 BC. In the early 19th century cannabis was one of the secret ingredients in several so called patented medicines. There were at least 2000 cannabis medicines prior to 1937, produced by over 280 manufacturers. The advent of the syringe and injectable medicines contributed to an eventual decline in the popularity of cannabis for therapeutic uses, as did the invention of new drugs such as aspirin. However, now there is evidence that cannabis is safer than aspirin and has 20 times the anti-inflammatory power of aspirin.


Cannabis is effective because it mimics important chemistries in the body called endocannabinoids.


Endocannabinoids are produced by the body and play a huge role in all major biological functions such as pain relief, immune function, inflammation, hunger, temperature control and nausea.


Cannabinoids in medical marijuana support the body’s natural chemistry and therefore are highly effective at providing relief for many different ailments and symptoms with a high degree of safety.


Medical cannabis gives the patient a chance to be in control of their relief and costs less than manufactured drugs and has no lasting harmful side effects.


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Medical marijuana helps relieve chronic pain, neuropathies, nausea and is useful in controlling muscles spasms and seizures as well as healing damaged brain cells and protecting against the ravages of Alzheimer’s. And much more!


Pain Therapy Associates can also help relieve symptoms by certifying eligible NY residents for their

NY Medical Marijuana Card. Call. 914-801-8380

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